

If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this **much** is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I'm praying you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
You know my heart is by your side



open house pertama aku peg uth raya tahun ini.. Umah dato'ape ntah.. hehehe. Bos sendiri pon x knl.. mkn bes wooo.. pastu ade Nina Jureen.. hmm, kurusla plak.. die kan bini Dato' . wat evrpon , tenks to Dato' sbb buat open house. Seriously, im full.. hehhee.. ble la open house seterusnye...



Ntahla, raya tahun ni aku cam x enjoy je. rase cam seperti hari2 biase. dah la satu je aku balik kampung. suasane x macam dulu lag. setakat ni aku belom lag raya ke rumah kawan2. boring la. boring seperti menulis blog neh.. wateverpon hope next year akan menjadi bertambah ceria. seperti kata nana " kite enjoice!!! "



wah, rasenye lame aku x mencarot kat cni. life aku skang ni ok. tapi when it comes to work, i feel like shit. nk kate job aku ni ade life, ade la ckit. just waiting for new designer to make my life easier. but, thers new thing bothering me. Bro thinking of quiting his job.. adoi, aku xmau ganti tmpt die. series xde life beb. mmg la gaji tinggi. tapi hari2 balik lewat. mampos.. aku series pening gle. sape nk ganti tmpt die ble die xde.aku xnk.ya allah, how can survive in this world.. ADOI!!!


new work

hari ni merupekan hari paling boring dlm hidup aku..
hehehe. mane x nye dah 3 minggu aku dok kat umah..
honeymoon beb. tapi ok la .. dapatla hari2 aku jumper cik sayang :P .
cam dah x biasa keje .. hahaha. lemau satu badan. mane la ads ni?
jgn la ptg br bnyk. tensen aku..cik sayang skang ni mesti tgh syok tdo..
miss u la sayang... nk tdo dgn u...
hek hek hek.. maen2 jer..


another boring day..

hahahaha... xde keje beb.. so rileks je kat ofis. sbb tu la aku post bende yg bukan2 hahahahahaha....

hxc dance??

Hardcore dancing grew out of the eastern United States hardcore scene, especially the New Jersey, New York, Boston, and Florida hardcore scenes. A hardcore pit differs from the usual mosh pit routine of pogoing and crashing into each other in an often controlled, but violent way. Participants in hardcore pits move around with rhythm to various beats, some slow and some faster. Hardcore dancing is typically associated and executed only during certain points in musical breakdowns.
This style of dancing was common in the late 1990s. As some hardcore bands incorporated slower syncopated, metal-influenced rhythms into their songs, the modern breakdown — and the dancing that went with it — was introduced.[citation needed] Early Earth Crisis and Biohazard concerts were common venues for this type of hardcore dancing.
New York hardcore band Sick of it All featured a tongue-in-cheek how-to guide for hardcore dancing in their music video for "Step Down" and AFI's video for "The Leaving Song Pt. II" is a depiction of hardcore and Straight Edge culture, popular for its relentless representation of Hardcore Dancing. A Day to Remember also did a video showing a how to guide for dance moves in the pit, Ron Jeremy was the fictional martial arts instructor showing the moves. Hatebreed's video for 'I Will Be Heard' also depicts hardcore dancing throughout.


The 2-step is the dance move performed by hardcore dancers to a steady snare beat. It involves swinging or "stepping" your legs around each other in time to the snare drum. 2-Steps vary from scene to scene. while the idea remains the same, some variations include floorpunching, windmilling or kicking backwards.

Most hardcore dancers strive to produce their own unique 2-Step, often pushing the boundaries of balance. For example, one style is to punch your arms around your body in time with the swinging of each leg. Another is to bend down to either side and touch the floor while they dance, pushing the boundaries of the dancers balance. Various dancers mix 2-Step styles and use various types of foot motion. Most dancers generally cross their legs in a subsequent pattern or keep their legs in a identical position and do a shifting 2-step motion with their feet. Generally this dance is the main skill a hardcore dancer strives to develop, as it is the most used form of dancing for many of this scene.


Hardcore Dancers often do Martial Arts type moves. Jump kicks, back flips, and even some varieties of those. Hardcore dancers stage dive and also can be very violent if not controlled.


The windmill is a dance move performed quickly swinging your arms in circles resembling the moving of a windmill. Often dancers alternate arms, keeping one at their side while swinging the other and then switching after each rotation. Variations include swinging with fists together, swinging backwards, and swinging with only one arm.
Many variations of this include imitating loss of balance and beating of chest. Also horizontal swinging of arms is very common to find during this move.
Dancers of this dance are often referred to derogatorily as " Windmillers." And are often looked down on and called "pousers," by members of the metal/hardcore community.

Penny picking/Picking up Change/Floorpunching

The Floorpunch is when the hardcore dancer throws his/her fists towards the floor, not intending to make contact with it, and then Penny picking violently brings them back up.Not many Hardcore Dancers do this anymore, it is a more oldschool technique. Alternative feet are sometimes stomped to the music as arms are raised, i.e. left arm raised right leg stomped. This is dangerous to people behind the dancer if the elbows are thrown hard enough.
There are many different variations of this technique again. It is a hardcore dancer's need to be unique that pushes them to push the boundary. For example, one technique is to keep both legs straight and together, double over, stretch out both arms and jump from side to side on both legs, in the imitation of a bird or an airplane.

Hate Moshing/Crowd Killing

Hate Moshing is when a dancer involves on-lookers in their moves. The most common of these is known as a "Lawnmower", which involves rushing into both sides of a Mosh Pit whilst windmilling or pulling your arms up from the ground. This is often used to create space before a Breakdown but sometimes is used before/after the song is played (a common way of opening up a pit is a less violent push-back, simply involving a dancer or dancers having their back to the crowd and pushing them back). Other Crowd Killing moves involve simply lunging into bystanders, throwing kicks backwards with the intention of making contact, etc. Though in some scenes this is far more violent and there are repeated roundhouse kicks and spinning elbows as well as randomly swung fists going into the crowd.